Your ‘Captains´ Log’ is your treasure chest. It’s your wealth of knowledge and experience.

In our Captains´ (B)Log, we share some of our experiences, extra insights about leadership, managing your state, trust, transformation, innovation and also what we learn from fellow captains along the way.

Explore our other resources

Expert interviews

We talked to experts in their respective fields and uploaded the videos here. Watch them and join in the discussion about insights you gained or questions you have.

Tools & Templates

We provide you with our very own tools & templates to download and use for free. From workshop exercises to our “secret” takeaways and top tips.

The book

We provide you with the first chapter of the book for free to get a glimpse of what the buzz is all about. You will learn more about the author and what made him write the book.


We connect you with peers and industry leaders in our online and offline events. Check them out here and grow your skillset and network in a fun and exciting way.